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[Built With Amiga software]


Made on Amiga!

[User Group Network]


The South West Amiga Group's mailing list is now run from Onelist, this is to save me money as I had to spent too much time online to run the list from the PC (spit). It also means that it doesn't rely on me all of the time.

Not sure what a mailing list is? See below...

There only only a few rules for the mailing list, they are;
  1. Keep it clean, E.G. No foul language ;-).
  2. DO NOT send binaries/large attachments (see below for more details.) If you ignore this rule you will be banned immediately, pending an apology or whatever -there is no excuse for ignoring this rule...
  3. No advertising of cracked keyfiles, warez, pirate software, etc.

There are three ways to join,

  1. Send a blank email to, using your usual email client.
  2. Click here and the press `send' button if your browser supports the "mailto:" protocol and is configured to send email.
  3. Use the forms below.

You will receive more info once you have joined the mailing list.

If you need to leave list, please remember that whatever way you choosed to join the mailing list, you will need to use the exact same email address that you used to join. This also includes any other commands you wish to issue.

Subscribe - Join list
Unsubscribe - leave list.

Click to subscribe to swag

What is a mailing list?

A mailing list is a way of a group of people to have a conversation via email. A person who has joined the list would send an email message to the mailing list server, the message is then processed and sent out to all of the people who are joined to the mailing list. Anyone can then reply to that email, either back to the list, in which case it will be sent out to all of the people are joined to the list, or you can choose to reply to the person who wrote the message.

E-mail Webmaster